Friday 9 November 2012

Advertisers Mood Board

Colour Mood Board

Font Mood Board

Target Audience Mood Board

College Magazine Contents Page

College Magazine Cover

Questionnaire Results

The results of the college magazine questionnaire are as follows. 65% of the population are female and only 15% currently read a college magazine. This shows that at the moment there is definitely something not quite right about the magazine and it proves and opportunity to fill the gap with a new one. The content that people would like to see in the magazine are fashion, trips and events, music, sport, photography and art and a dating column. The best places to distribute them would be in tutor time or in the canteen and coffee shop as almost the entire population will visit these places at some time. 60% say they would benefit from a new college magazine where only 5% were unsure. Results show that the new magazine would be published monthly and would be priced at around 50p. If we were going to start a new magazine, we would have lots of support as nearly half of the asked population said they would like to contribute towards the magazine in some way whether it be emailing content or being on the producing or editing team. To attract our target audience we would need bright colours, modern, funny, photos and articles written by students and an overall snazzy feel.


College Magazine Analysis

The is a college magazine from the USA. The main background colour is a bold black shade which compliments the light shade of green that is used in the titles. The header is being half covered by man's head yet it is still readable which shows this magazine has recognisability. This magazine attracts college students as the man on the front is one of them. He is holding educational books and smiling at the viewer inticing them to come and read the magazine. There are only 3 base colours used in this magazine. Black for the background, white and green for text with an exciting splatter of pink in the top right. Pink and green compliment each other as do black and white.
In conlcusion I find this magazine affective as the colours compiment each other and it looks easy to read with friendly fonts and friendly face on the cover.